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A User Guide is like a manual for a Person. It provides clarity on how you operate—your values, approach to problems, blind spots or growth areas, and ways to build trust with you. This lowers barriers and sets expectations early on. It helps you have a conversation to make the implicit explicit. Ask your report to fill it out as part of your first 1:1 as you align your Partnership Agreement.
You can find an example a user guide here:
How to work with Martin
template for Report
- What best describes your traits, tendencies, and characteristics? It can be in the form of your own words or popular internet quizzes.
- What are your strengths?
- What are your weaknesses?
Values & Culture
- What mottos do you believe in?
- What do you both practice and preach?
- What mindset do you value in others?
- How can people earn a gold star with you?
- How responsive are you when someone reaches out?
- What are quirks you have that may rub some people the wrong way?
- What can others do to support you the most?
- How can people gain your trust?
- How can people lose your trust?