<img src="/icons/info-alternate_blue.svg" alt="/icons/info-alternate_blue.svg" width="40px" /> This document’s purpose is to make working together as easy and transparent as possible.
1. Personality
💪🏽 My Strengths
As a Person
Top 5 Gallup Strengths:
1. Futuristic, 2. Strategic, 3. Significance, 4. Communication, 5. Focus
As a Designer
- Systems
Second and third-order implications. I love connecting the dots through design to align individuals, teams, and ultimately drive impact through systems design.
- Quality Outcomes
I enjoy solving problems, big and small, glamorous and not. I love going deep (for some time), as I enjoy going broad. I get joy from flow and when we push for excellence of doing all areas of design well (good product strategy, good interactions, good content, and good visuals).
- Processes
Establishing standards and processes that create a predictable level of quality outcomes. For me process keeps us grounded. Design Process allows us to switch context from exploring possibilities to pitting them all against each other. That way, the best idea will always be in the mix, and, they will always rise above the rest. Often I do trade-off speed (less process) for risk.
📛 My Blind Spots
- I am working on being more approachable and clear to individuals and teams that my job is to help them achieve and succeed – not to judge or critique solely.
- I’m also trying to balance my time more between “management” and “individual contributor” work (time-boxing more efficiently).
2. Values & Culture
🥽 Psychological safety
We are all wired differently, and so we bring our own various talents to the table and how we approach problems and ship solutions as designers, engineers, and product managers. I take a lot of pride in creating trust levels among individuals and teams. I want people to be themselves and lean into their strengths with confidence, so they can speak up and show up as their best self.